One little girl can alter entire society.
Languages: Serbian, English
Happy little girl Zoja (3), gets ill of a rare disease that is unknown to Serbian health care
system. After years of search for medication, she passes away while waiting for the right
diagnosis and treatment. Zoja’s premature departure provokes an unexpected twist of
events. The slow and dubious Serbian health-care apparatus is under tremendous
pressure from the general public and the media and forced to help any other case of ill child
who doesn’t receive diagnoses in time.
Not soon enough, a new law (officially named „Zoja’s law“) gets approved as urgently as it
gets. Zoja’s mother Bojana, as the initiator, is invited to present Zoja’s law in European
parliament and to engage as a consultant for a new EU bill regarding rare diseases,
inspired by Zoja’s law.
Based on the novel "Zoja" written by Ivana Krgović
Financed by:
Serbian film center
Municipal department of culture of Novi Sad